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Board Diversity Policy

The Board Diversity Policy (the ‘Policy’) sets out the approach to diversity on the Board of the Company which is governed in greater detail through the Group’s policies.

Policy Statement

The Company is committed to developing a diverse workforce and equal opportunities for all.

The Board recognises the valuable contribution that diversity including gender, ethnicity and personal strengths can bring to Board discussions and the effective stewardship of the business.

The Board strongly supports the principle of boardroom diversity, of which gender is one important aspect. The Board’s aim is to have a broad range of approaches, skills, experience, backgrounds and personal attributes represented on the Board and in the Senior Management Team and to make appointments on merit and against objective criteria. Search agents engaged by the Company for all Board and senior management positions are selected on the basis that they will put forward candidates in order to assist with the development of the Company’s diversity objectives, including female candidates and candidates from ethnic backgrounds.

The Board will continue to appoint candidates on merit and against objective criteria, taking into account the specific skills and experience, independence and knowledge needed to ensure a rounded Board and the benefits that each candidate can bring to the overall Board composition.

The Board is committed to maintaining at least two women Board members and supports over time the ultimate goal of ensuring a female representation of no less than 40%.

Within its succession planning, as roles become available and as suitable candidates are identified, the Board intends to take opportunities to increase boardroom, board committees and senior management diversity. This will include the consideration of female representation across the roles of Chair, Senior Independent Director, Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer and of having one Director from an ethnic minority background.

The Board and Nomination Committee will monitor compliance and progress against this Policy and report annually on how it has been implemented during the year.

28 June 2023