Business directory Trade counter directory



We are committed to providing access to this website universally. To meet this commitment, this website adheres as closely as possible to the Web Accessibility Guidelines, published by the W3C group, and as such endeavours to meet guidelines in the Disability Discrimination Act (1995).

Keyboard shortcuts
Access keys have been set up to allow a quick route to certain pages and sections of the website, without the need for a mouse. To activate these, hold down the 'Alt' key (for Windows), or 'Ctrl' key (for Apple Mac) and press one of the following keys. Visitors with an Internet Explorer browser will need to press 'Enter' afterwards:

M - Navigate to menu
T - Jump to top of page

The website has been designed to appear best on a monitor set at a screen resolution of 1280x1024 pixels and above although all major content sections fit on a 1024x768 pixel display.

Fonts, text sizes and colour are set with the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and can be overridden with your own preferred style sheet. Current methods for making these changes can be found in your browser help file.

It is also possible to increase or decrease the size of the text appearing on the site. This can be achieved by holding down the 'Ctrl' key (for Windows), or 'Cmd' key (for Apple Mac), then pressing + or - to alter the font size up or down respectively.