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Company Pension Scheme Information

Headlam Group plc Staff Retirement Benefits Pensions Scheme

Headlam Group plc Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme – Implementation Statement

The Implementation Statement covers the Scheme year from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It refers to the policies adopted by the Trustees laid out in the Scheme’s Statement of Investment Policies (‘SIP’).

Headlam SRBS – Implementation Statement 2023

Headlam Group plc Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme – Statement of Investment Principles

The attached document dated November 2021 constitutes the Statement of Investment Principles (the ‘SIP’) required under Section 35 of the Pensions Act 1995 for the Headlam Group plc Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme, and is provided to members of the Headlam Group Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme (the ‘Scheme’).

Headlam SRBS SIP 2021